Wednesday 12 June 2024


 There is something scary about witnessing someone getting robbed in these streets!

So am standing there waiting for my uber and across the road, i hear mwizi mwizi!! and right before my eyes, a man is giving chase to another man who has, as I gather, grabbed his mobile phone! they ran on the busy highway and cars are forced to screech and swerve! weuhh

the thief was faster and so the poor man lost his phone, just like that

The uber finally arrives and we head out - turns out he too witnessed it from another angle. The thief was on a boda boda and snatched the phone from the guy who was walking along the road...the boda boda was destabilized by a passing vehicle and tilted over, so also the boda driver had to flee since it was clear they were together with the thief

By the time we passed near the scene...the boda had been impounded...and the distressed victim was there as well ( the boda now his asset??? hehehhehe)

Yaani in this day if a phone is taken you are really set back!!

Keep Safe!

Sunday 9 June 2024


 Visited Helsinki, Finland and really loved the experience

Imagine the entire population of Finland is equal to people living in Nairobi metropolis - that's just about 5.5m!

The ride from airport to the hotel one sees lots of trees and google says that Finland is 70% covered by woodlands.....imagine that!

The hotel we stayed in was walking distance to various places - so the daily walk was very welcome -I think I logged it at least 5km daily (thank God I carried my faithful the very last minute). The buildings are a mixture of old types and modern & very artistic designs..quite something!

It helped that its summer so sun sets around 10pm and so one has lots of time to walk around before dark - however, this is something that needs some quite getting used to - that you can actually be prepping for bed and outside is bright!

The final day was dinner on a cruise boat that was both idyllic and scenic...loved it!

Though I didn't manage to get to a sauna (which am told is a loved pastime for Finnish people)...there is always a next time :)

side note....Finnair got delayed on the return leg and we ended up in a hotel in the sweltering heat of Doha!

Else...Kiitos (asante)!


Monday 22 April 2024

We are all linked...

 we are all linked

if you just check

a lone aircraft goes down

in dusty hills of a remote county

with it, 9 people succumb

we get the news in the office

all are in shock 

hoping there are survivors!

but alas!

news spreads fast

names of family members emerge

the wife of the General...

i knew of her years ago!

one of the soldiers

is father to my sons former classmate

the ceremony for the main man is quick and brief

simple in life and in death

i watch it like i personally know the family

the grief is palpable


may their souls be received in paradise


Tuesday 16 April 2024

Power of Alignment!

The world was treated to a spectacular celestial display of the solar eclipse on April 8 2024 - that was very visible in Northern America

Today (16.4.2024) I listened to a daily reflection which noted that the solar eclipse reminded him of the power of alignment!

and indeed the Bible tells us in Matthew 18:20 that for where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them (NRSV). This is a promise from God - that if we align our prayers with Gods purpose for us, then He will be among us and respond to the desires of our hearts in His own perfect way!

May we be aligned with God our creator, now and forever! Amen

Monday 1 April 2024

Sr Rita..Mukumu fraternity..

 Sr Rita Itebete has rested.

She was part of Mukumu Girls High School from 1978 to 2002 (or thereabout) - 24 solid years - as  a teacher and the an indomitable Principal.

A whatsapp group was formed by alumnae and the first one quickly became full (1025 pax) and a second one was started. 

I have immensely enjoyed the memories being posted by girls in the wall - from those who knew her in the 70s to the recent ones in the early 2000s. Imagine that...all of them testify of the positive impact she had in their lives especially around taking pride of who they are! wow....LEGEND!

I was in the primary section for 3 (short or long) years from 1986 to 1988 and when i heard of the news, i wondered why i remembered her and I even thought she was in the primary school section - turns out I was reliably informed that she was like in charge of the Mukumu complex - so included the primary thats how I knew of her

Rest well Sr Rita

''Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die!' by Babe Ruth

You have fought the good fight

You have finished the race

You have kept the faith

(2 Timothy 4: 7-8)

Eternal rest grant to Sr Rita Oh Lord

and May Perpetual Light shine upon her

May she rest in eternal peace, Amen.

Thursday 14 March 2024

A whole adult!...and Plot armor

So we were watching a movie and the life of the main character was at risk - and so I exclaimed...hope nothing is gonna happen to him and kids said, naaa nothing will happen, he is protected by plot armor!

am like Plot Armor? I had never heard of this phrase before.

and of course they explained it to me (and I gugud it :))

noun: plot armor
        used to refer to the phenomenon in fiction whereby the main charater is allowed to survive                dangerous situations because they are needed for the plot to continue

 Loved it, Loved it!!!

So the first one turns 18years today - March 15 2024

My dearest son

You are now considered an adult by the government!

A whole 18yrs now!

As you navigate life in this amazing world, know & believe at the bottom of your heart that you are Gods chosen one. That you need to trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding - in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6)

That ALL things will work together for you, (Romans 8:28) is a promise to them that love God and to them who are called according to His purpose. Claim this promise!

And may our good Lord order your every step (Psalms 37: 23-24) and uphold you with His hand, even when you fall; know that You are victorious is Jesus name

You are guarded by Plot Armor!


Happy 18th Birthday Kweli

we love you sana sana sana!!

Sunday 11 February 2024

6 months post surgery

 So its been 6 months

6 months post surgery

6 months since I cant do exercise

the weight has piled back in

but that's the price to pay

I feel better

I feel healed

The huge scar on my chest gets some stares

and i explain it

sometimes i dont bother

its my victory sign

God has allowed me this chance

and now all I can do



and know the HE is indeed God!

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Period Patch?

 So today I walk into this store and voila, a Deep Heat period patch...interesting!

I really wonder whether it works

It took me back to the days when I had serious period cramps - I really think I took too many pain killers during that season! Over time I learnt that drinking extra strong black tea helped me, and also pressing a warm towel on my tummy soothed the pain. Mercifully the terrible pain went when I got my first baby.

Now this patch!


Hope it works for those who are still in that season