Sunday 15 September 2024

Reflections to 50 - How we got to be in Miami!

So years ago (2009 to be precise) when my twin & I turned 35 - we stumbled upon a (highly subsidized) trip by Standard Chartered newly launched pink Diva Debit card to South Africa! it was amazing and we were like 70 women from different walks of life. The trip was basically touring various parts of Johannesburg and shopping shopping kind of trip! 

and with that we caught the travel bug!

My sis and I agreed there and then that we shall travel again together when we turn 40. This time round, we were joined by 4 of my sisters friends and we found ourselves in Dubai in 2014; i really enjoyed Dubai...

At the end of Dubai trip we agreed again that when we turn 45 we shall mark it in the BIG APPLE! and for sure we did it! but we were only 3 who made it for that trip.. (Life happened...) 

and in New York we once again discussed where next when we turn 50 and agreed...we plan for an experience that we have never had..and so the idea of a CRUISE was put on the table; and I roped in Chox gals -and they ran with it, and there were 11 ladies this time round!!! EPIC

who knows where next......

**oh, and one minor detail....we don't just get up and pay for a trip! we save intentionally for each and every experience :)

Thanks be to God that all these plans are laid by mere mortals and God allows them to happen right on schedule!!


  1. I had no idea you had a hand in the origin of the idea! I am glad to have shared this with you. Looking forward to the next one!
