Sunday 18 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 39 World Humanitarian Day

 Today is Sunday Aug 18

Tomorrow is Aug 19 - World Humanitarian Day

the theme for 2024 is so apt - #NoMatterWhat: Humanitarians Deliver

Over the years in the humanitarian space, I have interacted with all manner of people and weuh the stories....some of anguish...some of triumph...some of the conflict and hard to reach areas are not for the faint hearted!

from Oloitoktok to Chalbi...from Kakuma to Dadaab....the cry for dignity is evident.

no one wants to live an impoverished life because of circumstances beyond their control - unfavourable weather patterns or selfish leaders leading to protracted conflict. we all want better for our children, and so humanitarians come in and partner with communities to make this future possible

Cheers to all Humanitarians workers!! 


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