Saturday 10 August 2024

Reflections to 50 Day 47 Radical Acceptance

 Today is Saturday Aug 10

Whats on my mind....? 

A new concept I learnt recently and I have embraced wholly - that of RADICAL ACCEPTANCE

At this my big age, random things I now know for sure...and that I am gaining radical acceptance for...

 - people show you who they are all the time, you just have to pay attention

 - mothering people other than your own family is counterproductive!

 - you are in charge of your own one is coming with a kayamba just to make you happy

 - children will grow up and move on; enjoy their company while you can

 - no one is watching dont play to the gallery!

 - avocado goes well with githeri :) Period!

...what are you radically accepting?

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