Sunday 18 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 40 - Put in all down on paper!

Today is Saturday Aug 17

so whats on my mind today?


i love to journal

i have kept a journal since forever

the best one i have is one i began in 31 january 2009 for my kids - i got this idea one random program i was listening to...and i was like...mmm what a wonderful idea!

i write all the big moments and the tiniest mundane moments - i love going back once in a while to read this again with them and we have a good laugh. 

last year i gave myself a challenge to do an online journal writing stories related to my family - i have so far gotten to page 8 - i will do it! and to help with this documentation, I stumbled on a beautiful journaling family book at half priced books in village market (love this shop!)

am taking a break from work and hope i can do a lot of writing during this period!

My Bible inspo is from Habakkuk 2:2 - NIV - Then the Lord replied; Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it

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