Monday 19 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 38 My hair!

 Today is Monday Aug 19

what's on my mind

My hair....random, i know!

now its in quasi dreadlocks....quasi because i begun off with small matutas and just didn't undo them, and now its two years later, here I am with hair up to my shoulders. my sister locks them for me as if they are its a mixture of both!

i love them now..some are weak at the front, I guess because of age, the hairline weakens..I need to do something about it; but i darken it these days...since i dont quite like the grey hairs at the front...maybe thats why the hairline is weak....mmmm

I am comfortable with my hair as it is now

Whats your hair journey?


Sunday 18 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 39 World Humanitarian Day

 Today is Sunday Aug 18

Tomorrow is Aug 19 - World Humanitarian Day

the theme for 2024 is so apt - #NoMatterWhat: Humanitarians Deliver

Over the years in the humanitarian space, I have interacted with all manner of people and weuh the stories....some of anguish...some of triumph...some of the conflict and hard to reach areas are not for the faint hearted!

from Oloitoktok to Chalbi...from Kakuma to Dadaab....the cry for dignity is evident.

no one wants to live an impoverished life because of circumstances beyond their control - unfavourable weather patterns or selfish leaders leading to protracted conflict. we all want better for our children, and so humanitarians come in and partner with communities to make this future possible

Cheers to all Humanitarians workers!! 


Reflections to 50 - Day 40 - Put in all down on paper!

Today is Saturday Aug 17

so whats on my mind today?


i love to journal

i have kept a journal since forever

the best one i have is one i began in 31 january 2009 for my kids - i got this idea one random program i was listening to...and i was like...mmm what a wonderful idea!

i write all the big moments and the tiniest mundane moments - i love going back once in a while to read this again with them and we have a good laugh. 

last year i gave myself a challenge to do an online journal writing stories related to my family - i have so far gotten to page 8 - i will do it! and to help with this documentation, I stumbled on a beautiful journaling family book at half priced books in village market (love this shop!)

am taking a break from work and hope i can do a lot of writing during this period!

My Bible inspo is from Habakkuk 2:2 - NIV - Then the Lord replied; Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it

Friday 16 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 41 Walking 5kms per day

Today is Friday August 16

whats on my mind?

I committed to walking 5km per day - and weuhh....its been an uphill task

we try with my sister but we tend to manage 3-4km in one hour

but yesterday we managed 5km under one hour with my daughter!

feeling so achieved!

i read somewhere that even 30min of walking per day is good for you - so that i can do...

do you walk? jog? 

any movement?

try it!


Reflections to 50 - Day 42 Assumpta!

 Today is Thursday Aug 15 2024

Today we mark the Solemnity of Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven

Know anyone called Assumpta? wish them a blessed day today!!

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 43 Elephant Day

 Today is Wednesday August 14

whats on mind?

i was reminded that two days ago was World Elephant Day - and my mind went back to the first time i saw an elephant!

i was in Marsabit national park and voila, just outside my window there was an elephant and its cub - it was really a wonder to behold. I was scared for a minute there since it looked too close for comfort - but they were busy enjoying the salty water 

Then later on in Tsavo i actually stood next to one and took a photo - ai ai my heart! we had to wake up very early to go to where the elephants are...enjoyed the experience

Anyways, Aug 12 is to raise awareness on conservation and protection of elephants. 

Finally, the saying 'Tembo hashindwi kubeba pembe yake" is very apt! 

whats your elephant story?

Monday 12 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 45 Olympic GOATS!

 Today is Monday August 12

The 2024 Olympic curtain closed yesterday evening in Paris France

So what's on my mind?

I was all geared up to watch the Olympics but truth be told, I didn't watch many live matches, despite signing up to Showmax just for this!

Loved the performance that the indomitable Faith Kipyegon put - what a show of excellence!

Benjamin Zulu summarized it best

No man or woman has ever won the 1500-meter race at the Olympics three times.

But that was until one woman stepped on the scene, namely Faith Kipyegon.

She blasted into undisputed victory last night to the roar and standing ovation of the 75,000 witnesses at the stadium. She ruled the number one spot for twelve years now, or three Olympic games.
She has forever cemented her name in the annals of history that she went out and played her flute in the podium of her generation.
Now, imagine if Kipyegon had married an insecure guy who wanted her to stay at home and to never work? Or if she was among those women who look for a man who can provide everything so that they can just sit back at home?
Of course, there are chores to be done at home.
But that can not substitute your service to the outer world. There are girls who would catch their fire once they see you burning in yours.
How many believed in themselves by just watching Kipyegon?
Nobody can perform your calling for you.
Kipyegon wasn't just running for money but also for self-expression.
Many women are addicted to being provided for. Why would you let your talents atrophy and die within you?
Will you sacrifice the glory and fulfilment of reaching the pinnacle of your existence for laziness and comfort?
(©️ Benjamin Zulu Global)

...and I will not even get to what Snoop did for the 2024 Olympics! Classic Act

2028 Los Angelus USA....that's the next one....

Sunday 11 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 46 Chama Cha Wamama Katoliki

Today is Sunday August 11

Whats on my mind today?

CWA - Catholic Women Association

So I joined CWA in 2021 - the formation takes 6 months and you are then commissioned in the local parish - and the uniform is plain blue; then another 6 months of seminars (once per month) and then you get commissioned at Archdiocese level  - and the uniform has small pots on it.

I joined CWA since I felt convicted that I needed to up my spirituality - and from Day 1 I volunteered already as the Treasurer of our Cohort. The initial year was quite involving since we had the formation classes, several retreats etc. Then the  whole arrangement was changed and the cohort was reshuffled and so we are all in different groups

So far the experience has been good...

Meetings are monthly and seminars once in a while

The image however is still that the association is for the much older woman - weuhh..that will be shaken off with time

for now..CWA, Strong in Faith!

Saturday 10 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 44 Cairo on my mind

Today is Tuesday Aug 13

So what's on my mind today?

Cairo, Eqypt

So many years ago, I knew of plans for a group to visit Cairo & Israel and because of the work situation I was in at that time, I passed on this golden opportunity! Then the situation melted away but the deadline had long passed, so I could not join the group!

Now years later, my loved ones are in Cairo for different reasons and my mind went back to this desert town on the banks of River Nile

Some fun facts about the pyramids - that unlike popular belief propagated even by movies, the pyramids were not built by slaves but by professional contractors...mmmhhhh

and what is so special about them? that they are the oldest and largest structures built by humans

I will visit this place one day!

for now...whisper a prayer for my loved ones...

Reflections to 50 Day 47 Radical Acceptance

 Today is Saturday Aug 10

Whats on my mind....? 

A new concept I learnt recently and I have embraced wholly - that of RADICAL ACCEPTANCE

At this my big age, random things I now know for sure...and that I am gaining radical acceptance for...

 - people show you who they are all the time, you just have to pay attention

 - mothering people other than your own family is counterproductive!

 - you are in charge of your own one is coming with a kayamba just to make you happy

 - children will grow up and move on; enjoy their company while you can

 - no one is watching dont play to the gallery!

 - avocado goes well with githeri :) Period!

...what are you radically accepting?

Friday 9 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 48 Butterfly Out!

 Today is Friday Aug 9

whats on my mind today...?

a year ago today....i went through a major surgery...the year has flown by so so fast!

the little organ round my neck the shape of a butterfly aka my thyroid

had to be removed!

i truly thank God for the healing He has granted me

am back to doing exercises - even the frightening burpees!

i drove myself by month 3 post surgery

was concerned that i would forget to take the daily dose of medicine - but so far i have skipped two 

days only so far :) (dont ask what happened!)

and above all, i can still hold a tune!

(i had signed a waiver incase my voice got compromised in the process!)

my prayer for today is psalm 27:13 - yes, i am confident in this, that i will see the goodness of the Lord

in the land of the living!

amen to that!

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 49 Blasting Day

 Today is August 7

Whats on my mind today....26years ago was a dark dark day for Kenya - this was the 1998 bombing of the American Embassy in downtown Nairobi; and so many families lives were changed forever!

Where was I then?

I had a sales job on Biashara street - very difficult job for me, since i am not naturally inclined to ask strangers to buy something...anything.... but hey - was not being choosy since I was fresh off the campus boat. 

We were seated in the office having the morning brief, and we had the loud blast and saw the huge smoke coming from Kencom side - we actually assumed that Kencom was on fire. Those days news didn't travel fast - so we went on with what we were doing. Then because the job was a sales one, we had to basically leave the office and go look for clients to buy space in the magazines that the company produced, so I walked towards Kencom since I was curious as to what could have gone on there.

As I approached KenCom I realized the blast came from further down so I walked on....on reaching Harambee avenue, many people were walking / running in the opposite direction and I sensed that it may not be good to go too close after all and so I went on home!! I don't even know which transport means i used to get home since years later, people recount the way it was difficult getting out of town that day because of jam and lack of matatus!

God help us never to go back there again!


Tuesday 6 August 2024

Reflections to 50 - Day 50 Beach Please!

 So am turning 50 in 50 days time!

so here daily blog

What's on my mind today? 

Its Tuesday, the last two days have been pretty warm - a sharp contract to the freezing temps we experienced in July

I realize I love the warmer weather...this issue of wearing so many clothes just to feel warm; doesn't jazz me at all

Anyways, I guess I was meant for the coast

Takes me back to the first time I saw the ocean...we made a visit to Dar es salaam to see our father - at that time he leaved in an area that was walking distance to the beach. Not sure if we walked or we drove - but either way - when I saw the ocean, my breath was literally taken away - no wonder our ancestors worshiped nature... :)

My prayer today is from Genesis 32: 12 - The Lord said  - I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the SEA, which cannot be counted.
