Monday 9 May 2016

Common girl!! Drink some water!!

Common girl!! Drink some water!!

Thats what i have to keep telling myself all the time

Kwanza in this yoyo weather!!!

You see, I always maintain that I was a normal water drinker, up until I went to school in Limuru and the mere thought of having to take water made me have no thirst, at all. The place was frozen half the time (ok, i exaggerate) and cant even jog my memory of when and how gals drank water in school - maybe we all didnt take any water!!

Anyways, this unhealthy habit has stuck with me

I cant just get myself to drink the recommended 2litres of water, at most 250ml to wash down lunch and another to wash down dinner!! Various articles recommend that one need to take 2 glasses when they wake up!! 2 whole is that possible!!

Given that i know myself, I got me this water that i fill it with water and place it right infront of me so that am compelled to sip the water until i least one for a start!!

So here goes!!

Hope the results are clear skin and bright smile :)

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