Tuesday 26 July 2016

Me Time


House is silent…I have battled with the kids to go to bed…please Mum, one more story….Mum...I need some water….Mum…my leg is paining…oh the excuses! The list is endless…good thing, they really go off like a light…after all the resistance and I get them into their beds, 5min later, am back to the seating room for some me time!!


The house is silent

I can watch news…but with the constant updates on social media I feel I have the necessary highlights. And anyways the analysis and counter analysis on matters politics is not something I want to consume during my me time!!

So maybe some Nigeria movie…I have come to like to the ones that are in a rural setting….and as I flip through the channels,  I catch one….that is just starting….lucky me! Oh and Genevivie Nnaji herself has the lead role…this should be interesting…I read old newspapers  as I watch the movie….it’s got an interesting plot…

2am….part IV of the movie is about to start – eh these guys can stretch a movie….this definitely is not good for me…I will be a zombie next day… I pull myself from the chair, consoling myself that a repeat will be on TV anytime soon! So much for me time….now am truly exhausted and sleepy!

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