Tuesday 19 July 2016

Last possible minute....

Am not a last minute person

I try and prepare in advance and leave the surprises for the last minute

If I have a flight, especially one that is early morning, believe you me, I will pack everything the night before and be ready to go before I sleep. I will check in online! I will set my alarm to an appropriate time....

Now now now....when they say opposites attract, I think we (S and I ) are a classic example

Yaani, S has a very early morning flight and we all wake up at 3 am to do the packing, iron some shirts, look for safety boots, and where is that novel he was to read....have you seen the power bank?? what about the charger??!! exhausting to be frantic so early in the morning....much as I have tried, I cant change this in him. Best i can do is assume what he will carry and keep them within range so he confirms which ones he will take this time round...& I set the alarm .....

and when all this is done off we dash to the airport barely making it...him reassuring me....ahh we are on time!.....and no, we didnt check in online!!!!!!!

Lesson learnt, you cant change someone....so dont get hot and bothered about it, just roll with the flow (while biting fingernails)... :)

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