Friday 11 December 2015


Its Christmas time....time when families get together...


what would it be if we didnt have a good mix of family members; that is the spice of life!

Those that you can trust
Those that you cant trust
Those that you trust only with certain aspects
Those that second guess you all the time!
Those that cheer you on no matter what!
Those that assume you are always well put together
Those that you can confide in during the valley moments
Those that feel entitled to what you have
Those that pull their own weight
Those that organise a great get together
Those that cant plan anything to save their lives!
Those that are family magnets
Thsoe that are family repellants!
Those that can cook a mean meal
Those that cant even boil water, but who cares?
Those that cant let an offer of a night out go
Those that preach and preach and appear like their more spiritually put together
Those that have joined the family recently and brought in a whole set of issues
Those that remember you only when they are in trouble
Those that check on you every so often, bless them!
Those that remember important dates and wish you well
Those that only remember dates that relate to them! (LOL)
Those that treat children around like the precious angels they are
Those that dont seem to know kuna children in the family that need close role models!
The list is endless

Family is family, no matter what they are made of

we love the good, bear with the bad and tolerate the ugly aspects

Cheers to family!

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