Tuesday 15 August 2023

Road to recovery...part 1


  1. walk; move about.

So I have been through an experience and learnt of this word for the first time in my life!!

Tuesday Aug 8 we got me checked into hospital by 4pm as instructed. 

A brown Nil by Mouth sign hang on my room door by midnight that night signaling the start of the process. Troops of well dressed with warm wide smiles nurses had by this time walked in and out of my hospital room introducing themselves as the care team. The aesthetician, a sullen looking man in a sharp suit came in with a nurse in tow and spoke of what he would do and asked the nurse to remind me that I will need at least 2 blood donors by 8am next morning. She rapidly gave list of requirements for blood donation - must say she sounded a bit condescending by repeating the word "viable blood donor" all the time (i wondered why i was not told of this earlier.....)

The night was quiet

I could not even bring myself to journal

6am on Wednesday Aug 9 a nurse walked in...and i immediately woke up... and told me Hilda, time for a shower and dress into the gown i gave you. am like ok. 

It is T I M E...simply no turning back. I was not scared or maybe didn't wanna overthink it so much. I got an update that the ones donating blood had arrived (thanks much!!)

a bed was wheeled in and I was told to hop onto it after removing my wedding ring and confirming that i have no other rings or metallic fillings on my body. 

I lay on my back on the fresh bed and 8am we started the ride through the corridors to the theatre. The lights on the ceiling were passing by pretty fast (like in the movies I tell you!) and the song/ verse in my head was Be Still And Know That I am LORD!!!! My husband was following close behind and was told at some point he cant proceed. I was wheeled to a place that looked like a corridor and nurse asked me to confirm my name as she looked at the name tag on my left hand. A guy in green walked up and started asking me a bunch of questions...where am from, what I do etc basically making conversation and I knew he was the one assigned to distract me so that I could calm down. I was then wheeled in and moved to another bed - it felt colder. The massive light was above me and i scanned the room....looked quite big and mostly white.. the anesthetist (now in theatre gear) came up and took my hand, tapping it so that he can make the line for the anesthesia to pass. At this point the the nurse in green was holding a massive oxygen mask over my head asking me to breath in deeply - I said a prayer (I think...)

next, I see my husband at a distance and I hear him ask... my nyako? and i pass out again..that was 6 hours later

I see my sister, my mum, my other sister, my nephew...so many people...they seem to be coming in one by one...turns out i was in HDU and only limited number of people are allowed at a time. someone tells me the time...its around 5pm...end of day

my thyroid has been removed...and i was not ambulate

to be continued

...part 1


  1. Oh my goodness- you are very very brave - God is good. cant wait for part II
