Thursday 27 October 2016

Rome was my mind...then....

I love travelling

I love planning for travel

So for months now, Rome was on my mind

My sis and I are in sync that attending mass at St Peter square would be the grandest thing yet...and just like that an idea was born. That as we turn a new year in September, we mark this with mass in Rome, Italy- dates were set September 22-26

Then boom!

Earthquake in Italy

Too scared to go there

Mission changed (mission aborted sounds bad)

So now Dubai it is

Yes we have been there - but cant get enough of all the grand things to see there

The trip was grand....and this time, we took the open air bus tour round the city, day and night!! So glad we did this!!

Thanks be to God for the successful visit

Now, where next?? I wonder!!

But...Rome is still on my mind!