Friday 8 January 2016

Nutty dreads!

Looking at this lady with her long luscious locks and makes me long for dreadlocks again!!

I had them for about 4 years and loved them....was a bit of a challenge at the beginning getting them to lock and everytime I went to the salon and they were washed, they completelty untangled - leaving me with a big fro to start afresh. Finally they got their act together and I had locked locks! J, the guy who used to twist them for me was so excited when I wobbled into his salon when expecting my third born...he said that now they would grow very very long!!

Mixed reactions from people who saw me in locks - some were against them, others loved person asked me what I was rebelling against!!! imagine rebel?? ....I laughed it off. You see for me it was a very convenient (and safe) style and it solved a myth I have had in my head for so long - once long long time a young impressionable girl...when I became aware of chemicals that transform kinky hair (perms)...a lady I knew had a perm done and her face broke out in bad marks like she had suffered bad burns...I was shocked!!!....and this image always stayed with me....I was actually scared that when I if I was to get a baby the chemicals would find their way to the baby I was carrying so.... in with the dreadlocks...and sure enough...after I got S in late 2012, the dreads came off (said barber reacted like I had betrayed him! not been able to go back to his salon since then!)

Now after 4 years of battling nearly every weekend on what to do with my hair...and tempted to cut it off several times...I think am ready for the locks once more!!


  1. I say go for it! Its sooo frustrating trying to decide what to do with your hair all the time :)
