Sunday, 17 November 2024

Whats in a name? Days of the week..

 Names have always fascinated me

Here's a sample of names derived from days of the week

  • Sunday /  - Sunny /  - Sunne /  - Kwasi
  • Thursday /  - Alhamisi /  - Hamisi
  • Friday /  - Kofi  /  - Juma / - Mwajuma 
  • Saturday /  - Kwame


Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Guard the starting point!

Reflections on Life!

I heard this quote once and it stuck with doesn't go wrong, it STARTS wrong!

This is so true for so many circumstances

Whereas I do believe that all things will eventually work together for our good (Romans 8:28), for those who trust in the Lord, the truth is that we do make decisions in life that guarantee us a long period of suffering /strife before we experience light.  But this should not always be the case!

So how does one communicate to others especially the young ones who are starting off in life?

Lets do it with an acronym

S  - Self awareness is key. Be conscious of who you are and what you are about. Take time to learn about yourself and your non-negotiables. Understand what made who you are today (you are a sum total of your past experiences), what has informed the choices you make/ will make; who are the main influencers in your life and what value they bring- all this so that your antenna can be high up on what you want for yourself in this beautiful life! 

T - Time is precious. Go through life with some sense of urgency. I remember periods of my life where I just went with the flow. No project in mind, no self deadlines...niko tuu! and with time...boom...its five years later and you wonder where the time went!

A - Adapt and Agile.  Learn quickly from mistakes (yours and that of others) and move on with it. No need to stay in one place because you feel comfortable in it. Someone once said that there is no growth in comfort, and for sure no comfort in growth!

R - Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice (Philippians 4:4) . Being anchored in the Lords word will be a game changer! Go to church! Connect with like minded people. Be challenged by the Gospel  - to do more for the Kingdom!

T - Treasury - money money money! it does make the world go round. Have a plan for how you will get money and how you will invest it! Build a culture of investing early on in your life, and there is nothing like its too little to invest; and leaving money in the bank is not an investment channel!

It doesn't go probably started guard your starting point!

There you go, wisdom from the MinK Jubilee corner!


Monday, 11 November 2024

Whirlwinds that swept Oct/Nov 2024

 What a period...October & November!

On 9th Nov I was at a funeral in Muranga - just less than 90min drive from Nairobi, in solidarity with a friend from high school as she laid to rest her beloved Mother. The ceremony was filled in song and dance (characterized by lots of jumping) from the Church of God congregation adorned in colourful long pleated dresses/skirts and equally colourful headgear. I honestly assumed they were Akorino but seems it is different. Either way, it was sad and I can only imagine what loosing a matriarch feels like....May God rest her soul in eternal peace

Across Kenya, in rural Siaya, another friend from high school was laying her beloved husband to rest. From the live stream, and also press updates, the ceremony was huge and had so many political honchos present. I pray that amidst all the hype around the circumstances of his passing, that for sure justice prevails and her and her family find peace in this whirlwind!

Just days before this, a lady I got to know when we went to Rome for CWA in May 2023 succumbed to cancer...a battle she had fought for 10years! Dear Lord have mercy....she was laid to rest on Nov 6

and while that news was sinking in, another lady, also in the Rome entourage, collapsed and died! ai ai

For sure all this cannot be understood by our mortal minds!

May our Good Lord show himself to all these families as only HE can.

November is the month we remember the faithful departed

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God,

rest in peace
