Saturday, 2 December 2017

My precious daughter

To my darling daughter

You turn 9 today

9 is a special number - i searched its meaning and indeed, some say that  since the number 9 is the largest and last digit, it shows “finality” and completeness. 

Well there you go, sounds special right?

You are simply an amazing girl!

Beautiful and very smart

Full of joy, just like you name Raha!

Always considerate, having the interests of others at heart

I love the way you can be decisive

You enjoy having good things

and excellent in maintaining them in good order

You are studious (meaning you work hard) 

and of course, loving too!!!

My 'beloved daughter, I pray that in all respects, you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers' (3John 1:2)

Happy happy birthday Jojo!!

From Mama